
バーモント      道   館

V e r m o n t     B u d o k a n

合 気 道  平 等 会

Aikido Byōdōkai Community

Aikido Classes at Brandon Town Hall

1 Conant Square, Brandon, VT

April 1 through June 29

(no class April 8)

4:30 - 5:15 PM -- Youth Class

5:30 - 6:30 PM -- Adult Class  

Starting April 1 -- Spring Session -- New Offerings!!

There will be location / time changes, especially in June when the Chamber hosts their auction.

Beginner Youth Class  --  Mondays at 4:30 PM

Advanced Youth Class  --   (starting April 20) Saturdays at 9:00 AM

Register through Brandon Rec

Youth Class is open to individuals from age 6 to 14.  Our first focus is safety, followed closely by having fun.  Students learn basics and build skill and understanding in a supportive environment.

Adult Class  --  Mondays at 5:30 - 6:30 PM

Buki / Test Practice Class  --   (starting April 20) Saturdays at 10:00 AM

Register through Brandon Rec

Adult Aikido Class is open to individuals ages 14 and up.  Class begins with warm-ups and stretching before practicing basic movements -- the building blocks of Aikido techniques -- and breakfalls -- useful ways to fall and return to standing safely.  Students then pair up and alternate the roles of a technique:  one person will 'attack' then follow the other person's lead as fully as possible; the other person receives the attack as a 'gift of energy' and guides the other partner safely to the ground.  Both people work together to make the same thing happen, so it feels much more like dancing than fighting.  Then we switch roles and explore the other side of the relationship.

Aikido Training and Etiquette

Please print out a copy of the member agreement, fill it out, and bring it with you to class.

Dogi or training wear 

When just starting, we recommend loose fitting exercise wear that covers elbows and knees.  If students do choose to purchase Dogi, please look for Aikido or Judo style Dogi as opposed to Karate or Tae Kwon Do style.  Once students decide to test, a proper fitting, clean Dogi will become a training requirement.

Buki (wooden weapons) 

Bokken:  wooden sword; main Aikido training weapon (Only the Bokken, or the shorter youth Chuto, is used in Youth class.)

Jo:  wooden staff (ideally cut to height from ground to just under armpit)

Tanto:  wooden knife

Body maintenance 

Aikido is, from one perspective, the study of creating good relationships.  This extends to creating a pleasant training environment for your fellow students.  Please arrive at class with a clean body and clean clothing, whether Dogi or other.  Tie long hair back, trim finger and toe nails for partner's safety.  If you are sick, please do not join us for training; though if you absolutely love Aikido that much, you are welcome to come to watch class from a safe distance, ideally masked to keep your illness to yourself.

Dojo expectations

Please be on the mat, ready to start class, before the class start time.  

Aikido involves close proximity with your partner.  Please make sure your partner's experience is positive by making sure your body is clean.  Avoid foods with strong odor leading up to class.

Finger and toe nails should be neatly trimmed for safety.

Remove all watches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry for safety.

Aikido Testing

This is the document that lays it all out for you, hopefully updated with current testing dates and links.  All of the following links should be available from this one pdf.

For further information on testing, please visit the Testing page of the website.

Youth Aikido Class Information

This should help clarify expectations for students and parents.  Please revisit this document as your child progresses through training.  Content includes wearing Dogi, obtaining Bokken/Chuto, and health and wellness 

This was adapted from an Aikido Dojo in Portland, Oregon.